When you login go to: File- Select Printer—Receipt Printer: Then select Local Printer
Then arrow down on Name and select the Star Cutter then go to Format select Text narrow—Lines to eject-put in 5 then check send to auto cut.
For Holdslips: Go to : File- Select Printer –Print Templates—Select output type—arrow down scroll to HoldStick--hit ok. Make sure the Epson ReStick printer is selected –then at bottom check save this printer selection—then select print.
For TransStick: Go to : File- Select Printer –Print Templates—Select output type—arrow down scroll to Transit Slip-hit ok. Make sure the Epson ReStick printer is selected –then at bottom check save this printer selection—then select print.
For basic printing: Go to File—Select Printer—Standard Printer---Local Printer—Make sure your big printer at desk is in the Name –then select ok.
If you are not able to save your settings and/or this does not fix the problem, open a ticket with IT. You will have to remain logged into your Sierra session for IT to troubleshoot, so include the computer name (the name on the CPU label) of the station you are using in your ticket.